Urban Farming

We grow vegetables in the city center.


Veget' Cube

An experimental container to produce vegetables all year round.


Autonomus Greenhouse

An experimental greenhouse for your autonomy.



“A greenhouse that is connected, scalable and allows to grow vegetables without fertilizers, all year round”.

15% of the area dedicated to vegetable production YooMeYoo Factory, it is not less than 800m2 dedicated for the cultivation of vegetables and fruits in quantity, we retained the concept of “connected greenhouse” where the aquapony is associated with permaculture. The integration of fish ponds allows the greenhouse to evolve in a closed system without adding chemical fertilizers and minimizing water consumption (90% water saved compared to a conventional crop). It is indeed the droppings of fish which serve as fertilizers for the soil, which itself filters the water to bring it back to the basins. Add to this the above-ground vertical production systems and the use of permaculture methods (a technique that helps maintain a productive soil) and you have an environmentally friendly production that can significantly increase your food self-sufficiency!

Fresh vegetables and fish all year round

Having a vegetable garden in town is good. But this implies hollow seasons and difficulties in collecting food for the whole year.

Connected greenhouses help to remedy this problem and to have a regular fruit and vegetable production by lengthening the seasons. By equipping the greenhouses with dormers with automatic opening which allow to regulate both the temperature and the humidity. The return on investment is estimated at 4 or 5 years, according to the pilot projects of reference, our greenhouse of 800m2 will produce 18 tons of plants and 1800 kg of fish per year.

A connected system for reduced maintenance

The idea was also to facilitate the management and production of their greenhouses. By connecting them, all MyFood greenhouses can exchange their data and offer their owners continuous improvements.

Applied to an app, these new generation greenhouses provide remote control of crop health and are alerted when intervention is required. In addition, less than 20 minutes per day of maintenance are enough to operate the model of 22m². The company is also committed to working collaboratively and evolving in open source to rely on community exchange and improvement.

To date, about 30 connected greenhouses have been deployed in Europe and North Africa. The next step ? Propose the greenhouse connected to local producers to create networks of local and urban agriculture.

Do not have room to install a greenhouse connected to your home? Fold yourself on the vegetable garden of connected interiors

Street plants    

Flowers & Colors along the house, everywhere.


Roof Plants & Wall Plants

Grow plants on rooftops, feeds &cool the planet.



Discover an extraordinary network of food.


Smart Agriculture

The agriculture landscape however differs pretty greatly.


What if Smart Urban Farming was the future of Agriculture

Earth is expected to be home to 9.6 billion people by 2050. That’s over two billion additional people to feed, a goal only attainable if we increased current food production levels by 70% in the mere 35 years we have ahead of us. Ambitious, yes, but not unsound, especially considering the numerous promising technologies that have emerged in this field in the past couple of years.

The agricultural landscape however differs pretty greatly across the globe. While most Western countries benefit from well-developed infrastructures, widespread irrigation and copious fertilizers, much of Africa and South Asia is highly dependent on weather conditions, and lacks proper infrastructure to shift equipment and resources from one point to another. The hurdles are numerous, but implementing smart urban farming systems might just be the way to tackle these issues. When looking at the figures, urban farming makes more sense than ever: globally, urban dwellers represent 54% of the population, a figure which should grow to 70% by 2050.

Bringing Farming Activities closer to End Consumers

Exploiting the Data-Driven Technologies that are available to us


Farmer Technology Platform

2027, We develop human-centered farming technology that surrounds our farmers with data, insights, and tools, so they can grow high quality food, all year round, using the fewest resources possible. Our cloud-connected, modular farms utilize a water-efficient hydroponic growing system, and are constructed inside refurbished shipping containers. This enables a distributed approach to farming—meaning we can grow food in the neighborhoods where our customers live and shop, providing deep connections between the consumer, their food, and the people who grow it.

Next-Gen Farmer Training Program

At the heart of Veget Cube is the Next-Gen farmer training program, which creates opportunities for more people to become farmers—and future leaders in urban farming—through a year-long commitment on the veget cube team. No experience is necessary to apply—just the passion and dedication to bring local, real food to people in cities and to connect with consumers and the community.

...and switch the timeline contents to fit your needs.


Urban Farming Business

2024, We are a seed-to-sales urban farm, connecting people in cities to local, real food. The farm team grows a variety of fresh and flavorful herbs in indoor, vertical farms, right in the heart of Verviers. We hand-harvest, self-package, and herb-trike-deliver to retail stores across Liège area. Our herbs are non-GMO, pesticide-free, and grown with love.